
NHS Supply Chain Complaints Form

We are sorry that you have found cause to complain.

Before proceeding with your complaint please note that we need as a minimum your Requisition Point and if possible, your Requisition Number to process your complaint. If we do not have this information our ability to investigate will be limited and may slow our response time.

You can find this information on
  • Delivery Note (PAN)
  • TR reporting
  • Online Ordering (latest orders if a recent order)
  • You can also contact your Customer Service Advisor for assistance
Fields marked with * are mandatory as this is the minimum amount of information required to progress your complaint.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this short form.

SCCL takes the privacy and security of individuals and their personal information very seriously. We request your contact details to allow us to perform a thorough investigation of your complaint. If you give permission, we may share your details with our supplier to arrange collection of a product or gain additional information, if you do not give permission we will act as an intermediary, which may slow the investigation.

To have your details removed from our complaints management system or gain further information by contacting us at or by viewing our privacy notice .

Contact Details

We may need to contact someone for further information to assist the processing of your complaint. Please therefore provide the details of the individual who identified the product issue in the first instance or details of how to contact them if this is not the individual completing the form.

Please enter your full name
Please enter your department details
Please enter the telephone number you wish to contacted on
Please enter the extension number of the main contact
Please enter the email address of the main contact
Please select the ideal time of day for contact

Product Details

We need to identify the product so we can investigate. Please provide as much detail as possible as this will support our investigation into your complaint, any additional information you provide will also help. Entering the NPC code will auto-populate the information below, information can also be found on the NHS SC catalogue.

Please enter the National Product Code of the product related to this complaint.

The NPC is an alpha-numeric code, which can be found on the NHS SC catalogue for all products, you can also obtain this information from your procurement department.
It is CRITICAL that we have the correct code, as without it we will be unable to progress your complaint and will result in a delay for resolution.

Please enter the Manufacturers Product Code of the product related to this complaint.

The MPC is a unique number that is issued by manufacturers to identify individual products. Normally, the MPN of a product is a series of numbers and letters and can often be located on the package or cover of the product, the product code is sometimes found above or below the barcode.

Please select the product type.

Please enter the GTIN Number of the product if known.

A GTIN is a Global Trade Item Number that uniquely identifies a product. The GTIN can sometimes be found beneath the barcode and is often called the barcode number.

Please enter the Brand of the product.

Please provide as much detail as possible relating to the product, this will help us to process the complaint.

Product Details

To help the manufacturer undertake a thorough investigation of the issue they will need the products unique code, such as Batch/Lot or Serial Number. Without a unique code the manufacturer will be limited to the depth of investigation or unable to investigate the defect at all, in some case the item may be returned to the manufacturer, resulting in delays.

Lot numbers are used to track items throughout the manufacturing process and can be used to identify recalled items or products with defects. You can find lot numbers on the packaging of many products, which may be printed as a series of letters and numbers or as a barcode

Please detail the number of items affected if applicable

Complaint Details

Please give as much detail relating to your complaint as possible.

Please select an outcome from the list above.

Order Details

To help us identify your order we need the following information. You can find this information on the: Delivery note paperwork, TR reporting or on ecomm in online ordering. You can also contact your Customer Service Representative for assistance.

Please enter your NHS Supply Chain Order Reference number. (If the reference starts with "VT/" or similar, enter the characters after the "/")

Please enter the Requisition Point Number.

Please enter the Requisition Point Name.

Please search or scroll to select your Trust name.

Please search or scroll to select your District/Hospital name.

Order Details

Please enter the delivery address if the address is different to the organisation address.

Please enter the delivery postcode.

Please enter the date the item(s) were delivered

Please enter the NHS Supply Chain Warehouse you received your product(s) from.

Please enter the non-NHS Supplier Warehouse you received your product(s) from.

Please enter the Supplier location.

Please enter the number detailed on the delivery note for the product(s).

Outside Bodies

Please retain the affected sample where possible and within infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance. To enable a full investigation, the supplier may ask you to return the sample or samples from the affected batch to them for analysis.


Please select a maximum of 3 files with the following file size limits: images - 6MB, documents - 3MB.
To select more than one attachment, please ensure the files are in the same folder.

Please attach any supporting documents or pictures to your complaint.


Check your answers before sending your complaint form

Contact Details

Full Name
Telephone Number
Extension Number
Contact Email Address
Second Contact Full Name
Second Contact Department
Second Contact Telephone Number
Second Contact Extension Number
Second Contact Email Address

Product Details

NPC Code
Manufacturers Product Code
Product Type
Product Description
Batch/Lot or Serial Number
Other Information
Use By Date

Complaint Details

Detailed description
Desired Outcome

Order Details

Order Number
Requisition Point Number
Requisition Point Name
Trust Name
Hospital Name
Delivery Address
Delivery date of item
Depot served by
Supplier (if other than NHS Supply Chain)
Supplier Location/Depot
Delivery note number

Outside Bodies

Environmental Health Officer notified?
Has this been reported to the MHRA?
Do you have samples available?
Location for Sample collection
Has any patient and/or user harm occurred?
Could a patient be harmed if no action were taken?


Added Attachments

Now send you application

We may need to pass your details to a third party such as the supplier of the product you have detailed on this form. This may be to arrange the collection of samples, delivery of a new product, or gain further details on the complaint. To do this we need your consent. If you opt out of this, The NHS Supply Chain will act as an intermediary and contact you.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by providing your complaint reference number (issued at the end) to who will remove your details.

Your details will be sent to Supply Chain to begin your registration.